Autopublisher Quickstart

When you first install Autopublisher, the following will be displayed in-stream:


Autopublisher uses the social accounts you have already authenticated with on Hootsuite to send messages. However, before Autopublisher can use them you must give Autopublisher permission. Click the Login with Hootsuite button to start the authorization process:

Click the Allow button to continue. Your Autopublisher stream will now reload, and display the following:


Authenticating with Facebook allows Autopublisher to send messages with link previews to your Facebook page. To add the connection, click the Authenticate with Facebook button, and then the Login with Facebook button in the popup which is displayed:


A page will then be opened on Facebook where you can authorize Autopublisher. Once you've finished authenticating, if you do not have any feeds already setup, the following will be displayed in-stream:


Click the Add a feed button to add your first feed. (NOTE: you can also click the RSS icon in the app's menu bar to open the new feed popup as well)


Feed URL

Enter the URL for the feed you would like to share to your social media accounts.

Select social accounts to post to

Select the social media accounts you would like the posts sent to. Note: You can only select one Twitter account per feed.

Check this feed for new items every...

How frequently you want to check for new items in the feed you are sharing. You can select anywhere from every 6 hours to every minute. 

When new items are found in feed... (simultaneous sends)

When Autopublisher checks your feed, if there is more than one new item, how many should be sent? If you select 1 at a time, and more than one new item is found, Autopublisher will send the first one, and add the other to the queue. (you can manually send those later if you wish) If you select Add to queue, your message will not be sent automatically, but you can send only the posts you want manually. To access the queue, click the queue  icon for the feed. 

Try to send queued messages with next try?

By default, Autopublisher will send to the queue any messages that exceed your simultaneous send setting. For example, if you have the simultaneous sends  set to 1, and Autopublisher finds 2 new messages, Autopublisher will send one of the messages and add the other to the queue, where you can send it manually if you like. If you want Autopublisher to try and send any queued messages automatically on the next attempt, select Yes here. 

Send if item's publish date is older than 7 hours....

If Autopublisher  finds a new item in a feed and the item's date is more than 7 hours in the past, you can choose to ignore that item and not send it with this option. 

Keyword search

With the Keyword search setting, you can enter keywords and have Autopublisher search for posts containing the keywords. 

If the keywords are found, you can choose to either send the post or not send the post:

And, if you enter multiple keywords, you can choose from Any or All keywords:

Selecting Any keyword will only require one of the keywords to be found before determining whether to send or not send the post. Selecting All keywords will require all of the keywords you have entered to be found.

You can also specify whether to search in the Title, Body or Title OR body of the RSS items:

Post content

Select what is used to create the content of your outgoing posts. Options are: RSS title only, RSS summary only or RSS title and summary.

Post format

You can select from three formats for the posts you send:

  1. Text only
  2. Text + Feed image
  3. Text + Link preview

The format of the post will differ from network to network. See the following Help Center article for more information on post formats. 

Prepend text

Enter text to add to the beginning of each post. For example, setting this to [Techcrunch], will send:

[Techcrunch] This is the title of this item

Append text

Enter text to add at the end of each post. For example,  setting this to #Hootsuite will send:

[Techcrunch] This is the title of this item #Hootsuite

When you append text, you can choose to place the text after the link, or, in between the message/title and the link. You can also select to add a blank line between the link and the appended text, e.g.:

If the items in your feed include <category> tags, you can have Autopublisher convert the category tags to hashtags, and insert them into your posts by adding <category> to the Append text setting. e.g.:

NOTE: You can enter <category> all by itself, or combine it with specific hashtags you want to add to all posts.

Shorten URLs

Select Yes to have Autopublisher automatically shorten URLs before sending articles to your social networks. Select No if you do not want the URLs shortened. 

Append tracking parameters to URL

If you would like to add parameters to the end of your URLs for tracking purposes,  e.g.:

you can add up to four parameters here.

Weekly schedule

With the Weekly schedule settings, you can select when posts are sent:

For each day, you can select from three options:

1. Send today - send posts all day

2. Do not send today - do not send posts on this day

3. Send between - send posts only between a specified time range

If you select to send between a time range, a popup will be displayed from which you can specify a time range for the day:

When using the Weekly Schedule settings, also make sure that you have selected the correct Timezone:

Saving settings

When you're finished editing your new feed, click the Save feed button at the bottom of the popup to save the feed. After doing so, your newly saved feed will appear in-stream:

To the right of the feed, are five options:

Clicking the pause  icon will stop autopublishing of the feed and the icon will switch to the play  icon. Clicking the play icon will re-start autopublishing. Clicking the settings  icon, will open up the settings popup for this feed. You can change everything other than the feed's URL. Clicking the queue  icon will open up the post queue, where you can display messages that have been sent, messages that have been queued and messages that couldn't be sent. Clicking the teams  icon will open up the feed sharing poup, where you can select team members to share the feed with. (NOTE: currently only Organization Admins can share feeds with team members) Clicking the delete  icon will stop autopublishing and delete the feed. 

Feed notifications

You may also see 1 or more notification icons to the right of the Last post date:

The exclamation point icon indicates that in the last 48 hours, one or messages couldn't be sent due to an error. Click the icon, and the Feed queue will be displayed with the error items displayed.

The blue circle icon indicates that there are posts from the past 7 days in the queue which haven't been sent. Clicking the icon will display the Feed queue with the queued items displayed.

The Feed Queue

The Feed Queue popup displays messages that have been sent, queued or had errors when sending:


You can select what is being displayed with the SHOW menu found in the bottom left:


For messages that have been queued, you have two options: 

  1.  Share the post to other networks
  2.  Delete the post

Clicking the Share the Post  icon will close the popup, and populate the Hootsuite publisher with the post's content and the image associated with the post. Here you can select other networks, as well as schedule the post. Clicking the Delete the Post  icon will delete the post.

If you edit the text in the Content box, the edited version of the text will be sent when you click Share the Post.

When you are viewing sent messages, or messages with errors, the only option available is to Share the Post. 

Sharing a Feed with Team Members

Sharing feeds allows team members to access the same feed queue for a shared feed, allowing them to send, share and delete articles. To enable feed sharing, the Administrator for your organization must add the Autopublisher app to their dashboard, and each team member must add the Autopublisher app to their individual dashboards. 

To share a feed, simply click the teams  icon, and the feed sharing popup will be displayed:


Clicking the plus sign to the left of each of your teams will display the members for that team:


Click the checkbox to the left of the team member's name to share the current feed with this team member. Once you have shared a feed, the team icon will be highlighted:

Team members who have had a feed shared with them, will only have the option to open the feed's queue:

(clicking the team icon will not open the feed sharing popup)

NOTE: Team members must add the Autopublisher app to their dashboard for them to be able to access shared feeds.


If you have any questions regarding RSS Autopublisher, please submit them on our support site at:

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