Twitch Quickstart

1. Getting Started

When you first add the app to a stream in Hootsuite, you will be prompted to authenticate on Twitch:

Click the Authenticate on Twitch button to start the authentication process -- a new tab will open up on Twitch where you can give the app access to your Twitch account. After you have finished authenticating, videos and streams from your account will be displayed in the Hootsuite stream. 

2. Using the app

Click the search icon to display search options:


Search options

From the search menu, there are four options:

My Channel will display the videos from your channel. With My Channel selected, you can Sort (Date/Trending/Views), filter by Period (All, Today, Past month, Past week), as well as filter by Type (All, Archived, Highlights, Uploaded)

Live Streams will display streams that are currently being streamed by channels (users) on Twitch. With Live Streams selected, you can filter by Type (All, Live) and Category (All, Channel, Category).  NOTE: Live streams area automatically sorted by popularity. 

With Category or Channel selected for the Category / Channel option, you can search for relevant channels and categories by clicking the magnifying glass. Simply enter the text to search for in the popup, hit enter/return and results will be displayed:

Note: When searching for results, Twitch will return results that start with the word you have entered. For example, entering minecraft will return results as above, but not return results such as my minecraft channel, or the best minecraft channel. The name must begin with minecraft to be returned. 

Clicking the Live Stream icon will display the channel or category in a Live Stream stream. Clicking the Videos icon, will display it in a Videos stream. You can also click the share and external link icons to share the channel/category on Hootsuite or visit the channel/category on Twitch

Videos will display streams of videos that are not live, e.g. previously uploaded videos. With Videos selected, you can Sort (Date, Trending Views), filter by Type (All, Archived, Uploaded, Highlights), Category (All, Channel, Category) and Period (All, Today, Past week, Past month):

Here too, as with Live Streams, you can select categories and channels by clicking the magnifying glass. 

Top Categories will display a stream of categories which are currently the most popular in terms of live streaming on Twitch:

Clicking the Live Stream icon will display category in a Live Stream stream. Clicking the Videos icon, will display it in a Videos stream. You can also click the share and external link icons to share the category using Hootsuite or visit the category on Twitch.

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