Synapview Quickstart

Synapview Introduction

Synapview is a Hootsuite app designed to make it easy to monitor trends, competitors and hashtags across multiple sources, including:

  • Instagram (Hashtags and Competitors only)
  • Twitter 
  • YouTube 
  • Reddit (Hashtags and Trends only)
  • Blogs (Hashtags and Competitors only)
  • Google Search (Trends only)

NOTE: Hashtag searches for blogs are performed on a curated list of over 1000 popular blogs.

1. Authorizing with Social Networks

When you first install the app, you will be prompted to Authenticate with your networks. Authenticating with your networks allows us to retrieve posts from competitors, and posts with hashtags in them, for you. 


After clicking the Authenticate button, the following popup will be displayed:


NOTE: Posts will only be retrieved for networks which you have authenticated with.

Once you have authenticated, the popup should look like this:


For Instagram, you can select which Instagram Business Account you would like to use with the app.

NOTE: You are limited to using 30 distinct hashtags in a one week period for each Instagram Business account. 

When you are finished authenticating, click the Done! button to return to the stream:


Click the Add Stream button to add your first competitor or hashtag stream.  

2. Adding Competitors and Hashtags

Once you've clicked Add Stream, the Manage Streams popup will be displayed where you can add and manage your trend, competitor and hashtag streams:


To add a competitor stream, simply click the Add one? link. To add a hashtag stream, click the # Hashtags tab, and select Add new hashtag:


You can do the same for competitors and trends at any time by clicking the Competitors or Trends tab, and then selecting Add new competitor or Add new trend:



Once you have selected to add a new competitor, you will be asked to enter the URL for your competitor's website:


It is best to enter the URL that you commonly use to access your competitor's website. For example, if you live in Spain, and want to monitor Microsoft Spain's social media accounts, you would enter:

However, if you are in Canada, you would enter:

It is also sometimes useful to enter the URL associated with the blog for a company, as this will generally retrieve not only your competitors social media accounts, but their blog feed as well. Whichever URL you choose, you can modify the accounts after we've searched for them:


For Twitter and Instagram entries, simply enter the competitor's usernames on those networks. For YouTube, enter the channel's ID, which starts with an uppercase UC. For blogs, enter the URL to the feed. For all of them, simply click the link mceclip9.png button to the right of each entry to make sure you've entered the right account. 

When you've finished, enter the Competitor's Name, and click the Save Competitor button. The competitor will now be displayed in Manage Competitors:


Here, you can edit and delete your competitors.


After you have clicked the Add new Hashtag menu option, as described above, the following popup will be displayed:


Simply enter the hashtags, up to 3, in the input box at the top, and select which networks you would like to monitor for results on. If you only want to get results that don't contain a hashtag, simply put a minus sign '-' at the front of the hashtag, e.g. -train. NOTE: You must have at least one "positive" hashtag, or you will not be able to save the stream. 

When you're finished, click the Done! button, and you will be taken back to Manage Hashtags:


Here too, you can edit and delete your hashtags by clicking the icons on the far right of each hashtag.


After you have clicked the Add new Trend menu option, as described above, the following popup will be displayed:


You can create and save Trend streams for the following networks:

  1. Google Search
  2. Reddit
  3. Twitter
  4. YouTube

To get going, first select the network for the trend from the above list. Next, select the location you would like to focus on under Location. Finally, enter a name to identify this trend stream with and click the Save Trend button. 

Now, when you click Manage trend , you will see a list of your saved Trend streams:


3. Viewing results

After you have closed the Manage Streams popup, you are now ready to view results in-stream. 

NOTE: it may take a minute or two before your first set of results are loaded.

Once loaded, your results will be displayed as follows:


By clicking the search mceclip14.png icon, you can choose what you would like to view in-stream:


From the competitors menu, you can select to view All Competitors + All Hashtags, All Competitors, All Hashtags, Combine Hashtags/Competitors, or individual Trends:


Selecting Combine Hashtags/Competitors, will display an additional menu directly below. From this menu, you can select multiple Competitor or Hashtag searches you have saved, and display the results in-stream:


Filtering results

There are two additional menus for filtering your results. You can filter by status: 


As well as by network:


NOTE: filtering options are not available for Trend streams.

In-stream Options

For each post, there are a variety of tasks you can perform:


  • Clicking the date will open up the original post in a new browser tab.
  • Clicking the check mark mceclip22.png  will mark the post read or unread.
  • Clicking the star mceclip23.png will add the post to your favorites.
  • Clicking the note mceclip24.png will open up a popup where you can save the current post to Evernote, Onenote, Pocket, Google Sheets, PDF and more.
  • Clicking the link mceclip25.png icon will open up the original post in a new browser tab.

4. Analytics

Click the chart mceclip7.png  icon in the app's menu bar to view analytics for your saved Hashtag and Competitor streams. (Analytics are not available for Trends)

Clicking the Total Posts box will display number of posts over time, grouped by network for each day. 


Clicking on the Networks box will display the posts broken down by network:.


Click the stream drop-down menu in the upper left corner to choose which Hashtag or Competitor you would like to view results for. And click the date in the upper right corner to refine the time span you would like to view results for:


Clicking the download mceclip12.png icon will allow you to download the current set of statistics to a PDF or CSV file 

5. Questions?

Have more questions? Please contact us at:


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