Reddit for Hootsuite Quickstart

Reddit for Hootsuite Introduction

The Reddit for Hootsuite app allows you to easily create and monitor keyword searches on Reddit.

1. Creating your first feed

When you first install the app, you will be asked to create your first feed:


Click the Create Feeds button, and the Feed Manager popup will be displayed:


To create a a feed that searches all of Reddit, click the Search feed button:


Here you can enter keywords and phrases to search for on ALL of Reddit. For phrases, enclose the words inside double quotes, e.g. "microsoft office". To only get results which do not contain a specific keyword, place a minus sign, -, at the front of the word, e.g. -excel. Once you have entered keywords/phrases, click the Search button to get an idea of the results you will receive. If everything looks good, click the Save feed button, and we'll start monitoring the feed for you. 

Clicking the Subreddit feed button will allow you to create feeds for specific subreddits:


Enter a subreddit name in the subreddit text box, e.g. worldnews, and then optionally enter keywords and phrases in the keywords text box. (you can search for phrases and NOT keywords just as in the previous tab) Once you have entered a subreddit name, and optionally keywords/phrases, click the Display button to get an idea of the results you will receive. If everything looks good, click the Save feed button, and we'll start monitoring the feed for you. 

After you have clicked the Save feed button, you will be taken back to the Feeds tab:


Clicking the play  mceclip6.png  icon will display the feed in the current Hootsuite stream. If the feed is currently being displayed, the pause  mceclip7.png  icon will be displayed. Click it to stop displaying the feed in the current stream. Clicking the trash can icon will delete the feed. 

2. Viewing results

Once you have a feed setup to display in a Hootsuite stream, results will be displayed as below:


At the top is the name of the feed. Click it to read the entire article in the app. Below the feed name, you will find the reddit the post was posted on, and when it was posted. Click the reddit name to view that reddit. Click the date to view the actual post on reddit. 

Each post has an options menu. Hover over the mceclip9.png icon to view the menu:


mceclip11.png  View the post on

mceclip12.png  Add the post to your favorites

mceclip13.png  Share the post to your social networks

mceclip14.png  Add a note to the post

mceclip15.png  Mark the post as "read"

mceclip16.png  Save the post to PDF, Evernote, OneNote, Pocket and more using Streamnotes

3. Options

Click the settings  mceclip20.png  icon to configure the app:


i)  Display images in stream? - choose to display small or large images, or no images at all, with each post

ii) Minimize options menu? - choose to automatically display the post options menu when hovering over a post

iii) Display in stream - Filter results to display All posts, or, Unread posts only, Favorited posts or Posts with notes

iv) Shrink links when sharing? - choose to automatically shrink links with, or leave links alone

v)  Hide articles when marking them read? - choose to automatically hide articles when you mark them read.  NOTE: this setting is only used when you select to view only unread posts in stream. 

4. Questions?

Have more questions? Please contact us at:


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