Pageview Quickstart

Pageview for Facebook is a Hootsuite app that allows you to easily keep track of the contributions visitors are making to your Facebook pages. With Pageview, you can monitor Visitor Posts, Comments and Reviews.

1. Connecting with Facebook 

After you first install the app, you will be prompted to Login with Facebook:


Clicking the button will take you to Facebook to authorize Pageview to access your Facebook pages. When you have finished the authorization step, you will be prompted to select the pages you want to use with Pageview. 

2. Selecting pages

After authorization the Page Manager will be displayed. (you can open it later too by clicking the Flag  icon in the menu bar) It will display a list of all the Facebook pages you are a manager of:


Click the Play  icon to start monitoring the activity for a page. Click the Pause pause icon to stop monitoring the activity for a page.

Clicking the Update Pages button will check with Facebook to see if you have added any new pages recently.

Grouping Pages

Clicking the Group icon mceclip3.png will display the group popup:


Here you can create groups and add your pages to them. For example, if your business has locations in a variety of countries around the world, you could create groups for each country, and then add the pages for your locations in that country to the group you created. You can then select the group from the Stream settings menu:


3. Monitoring Pages

Click the Search  icon in the menu bar to view your search/monitoring options.


Display activity from...
If you have more than one Facebook page that you are managing, they will appear under the Facebook Page option. Groups you created in the Page Manager popup will appear here too. There is also an All Pages option to monitor activity on all of the pages you have selected in the Page Manager.

Activity type...
Here, choose from the different types of activities you can view in-stream. Currently, you can choose from Comments, Posts and Recommendations.

Show activity from..
Select whether to choose activity submitted by the page, visitors, or everyone.

Show activity that has been...
To filter actions that have been taken on an activity, choose one of the selections here. You can choose to view all activity, or, filter by Replied or Not Replied

Select if you want to view Positive, Negative or All Recommendations.  (NOTE: this option only appears when you have selected the Recommendations activity)
If you only want to view the items you haven't read yet, choose Unread only from the Display menu. To view everything, keep it at Read and Unread.
Stream Name
If you're going to save this feed for future use, enter a unique name here. When you click Save Stream, the feed will be saved under this name, and you can select it from the Saved Streams section at the bottom of the menu:


Display Results vs. Save Stream
After you have entered all of the search criteria you want, clicking Display Results will display the results immediately. If you think that you're going to want to use this search criteria frequently, click Save Stream to first save the feed, and then display the results. If you enter a Stream name that is the same as one that has already been saved, you will be asked if you want to over-write the existing feed.

3. In-stream Options

One you have your searches setup, and are viewing activity as it comes in, there are a variety of in-stream options you may use:


Click the Reply mceclip9.png icon to send a reply to this comment.

Clicking the check mceclip10.png icon will mark the current item as read. To change its status to unread, click the mceclip11.png icon when it appears. 

The link mceclip18.png icon will take you to the original post on Facebook.

Clicking the Notes mceclip15.png icon will open up Streamnotes in a popup. Streamnotes allows you to save the current item to a variety of destinations, including Evernote, OneNote and Pocket. You can also save it as a PDF or CSV file to Google Drive or Dropbox. 


More information regarding Streamnotes is available on the Synaptive web site

Replying to Posts & Comments
If you find a post or comment from a visitor that you would like to reply to, click the Reply mceclip9.png icon at the bottom of the current item. Clicking it will display a popup where you can enter a reply, as well as select an image to include in your reply:


After you have replied to an activity item, a Replied tag will appear next to the item's date: mceclip17.png

In the Send reply popup, you can also select a template to use in your reply. More info on templates can be found below.

4. Alerts

Use Pageview's Alert feature to be alerted by email to new posts, comments and recommendations by visitors to your Facebook pages. To setup alerts, first click the settings  icon in the app's menu bar. 


Adding an Email Address
To add an email address, click on Click to add email address, and enter the email address you would like alerts sent to. A verification email will be sent to the email address you enter, so make sure you add to your contacts to ensure you receive the verification email. Once you receive the email, click on the link in it to verify your email address. All alerts will be sent from this email address too, so adding it to your contacts is key to ensuring you receive all of your alerts as well. Until you verify the email address you have entered, a not verified icon  will be displayed to the right of the email address you have entered, and no alerts will be sent:


Clicking the  icon will resend the verification email. Once you have verified the email address, the icon will change to a check, and Pageview will begin sending alerts to you:


Alert Settings
Under the Send Alerts for menu, you can choose to receive alerts when you receive a Recommendation, a Comment or a Post on your pages. You can also choose to receive alerts for all three. Alerts will be sent for all of the Facebook pages you are currently monitoring.

Under the Check for New Activity menu, you can choose how often to check for new page activity. The options are Once a day or Once an hour. You will only receive an alert when new page activity has occurred. NOTE: though the alerts only check hourly, if you are viewing activity in a Hootsuite stream, activity will be updated as we receive updates from Facebook.

Stopping Alerts
If you no longer want to receive alerts, simply click the Stop Alerts button beside the Save button. NOTE: this button will only appear after you have verified your email address.


5. Templates

Also under the settings menu, is a button you can click to open the Templates Manager:



Templates for Facebook replies can consist of text and images, only text, or only an image. Select what you would like to include in your template by clicking the check mceclip10.png and times mceclip11.png icons below each content type. Once saved, templates will appear in the Send reply popup which is displayed when you reply to a comment.


5. Questions?

If you have any questions regarding Pageview for Facebook, please feel free to contact us via our support system at:





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